Welcome to Hillside Special School

Thank you for taking the time to find out about our school. I believe it is a privilege for any school to be given the responsibility of educating a young person. I am proud to be leading this 'Outstanding' school and outstanding team of professionals sharing with you our commitment to our pupils.
At Hillside we relentlessly strive to create a learning environment where all pupils can feel safe and are stimulated, inspired and supported in preparation for their future lives.
At Hillside, we see 'The Unique Child' as the starting point and at the heart of everything we do. The highly skilled and experienced staff team work closely with our partners from health and social care to develop personalised learning programmes. The staff at Hillside are dedicated to ensuring the best outcomes for our pupils.
We believe that equality and mutual respect for all is essential. We uphold the British Values embracing those with different faiths, lifestyles and beliefs.
We have high standards and expectations in terms of all round development and behaviour whilst always celebrating achievement and success at all levels.
Lizzi Murphy